Specialist of the “Restoration of historical sites of the Kultobe settlement” project
He is a specialist in the urbanistic era of antiquity and the mediveal of South–East, South and West Kazakhstan. Since 1985, a member of more than twenty archaeological expeditions such as the Kazakh–German expedition to study the cassiterite deposits of the Bronze Age in the Delbegethey massif of the East Kazakhstan region and a number of permanent republican expeditions.
Alexander Sergeyevich is a researcher of the barrows of ancient and medieval nomads of South–East Kazakhstan, the mausoleums of the Golden Horde period, the cities of Koyalyk, Dzhankent, Taraz, Shymkent, the ancient settlements of Otrar and Oxus and many other ancient monuments of Kazakhstan.
Starting from 2020 he is a specialist of the “Restoration of historical sites of the Kultobe settlement” project.
The results of scientific research are published in the following articles: “Study of the Zhankent settlement in 2009 field season”, “Study of the monuments of the Otrar oasis”, “Archaeological study of the Otrar settlement in 2010” and many others.